An Invitation
32’ 8” x 3’ 1” x 1’ 8”
4Ground: Midwest Land Art Biennial Participants
Alum Root, American Elderberry, American Plum, Balsam Fir, Black Chokeberry, Chokecherry, Blue Grama, Boxelder, Bush Honeysuckle, Canada Wild Rye, Common Milkweed, Dotted Blazing Star, Fragrant Giant Hyssop, Harebell, High Bush Cranberry, Indian Grass, Honey Vervain, Low Serviceberry, Meadow Rose, Meadowsweet, Ninebark, Northern Bedstraw, Northern Mountain Ash, Old Field Juniper, Paper Birch, Pasque Flower, Plains Oval Sedge, Prairie Rose, Prairie Smoke, Quaking Aspen, Rattlesnake Master, Red Cedar, Red Maple, Red Oak, Red Osier Dogwood, Red Pine, Silver Maple, Sugar Maple, Sweet Gale, Switch Grass, Tamarack, Thimbleberry, Virgin’s Bower, White Cedar, White Spruce, Wild Bergamot, Yellow Birch
Artist Statement
Take time to walk in circles. Life’s biology moves on vastly different time scales. Let’s get to know our elders, the plants. An Invitation welcomes you to commune with native plants and grow together. You are invited to learn from and care for natives here. May this place nurture our elders–the plants–and in turn ourselves.
4Ground visitors joined in planting over 500 native plants on Saturday, June 4, in the Miyawaki style to grow an ultra dense biodiverse forest. . These crescent shaped plantings are inspired by African fractals and the cycles of the moon. Nestled within them are places for people to gather. An important aspect of caring for these plants is respecting their space–especially in their early years. To maintain a boundary will be an ephemeral fence made of Willow.