Puppets in the Park Halloween Hayride
Saturday, Oct. 19, 1-6pm
On Saturday, Oct. 19th from 1-6pm, Franconia Sculpture Park is once again hosting Puppets in the Park Halloween Hayride in collaboration with In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre!
We invite visitors to experience a whimsical hayride or self-guided walking tour through the 50-acre sculpture park where they will view large-scale puppets interacting with contemporary sculptures as well as other forms of theatrical entertainment.
In addition, there will be other fun and family-friendly activities such as a mask-making workshop, pumpkin-carving, face-painting, performances, and a Halloween candy scavenger hunt.
This entire event is free but $5-20 parking donations are encouraged upon arrival!
Interested in making your own custom paper mache mask to where to Puppets in the Park? Sign up for our Mask Making Workshop on Sunday, Oct. 6th from 1-4pm! This workshop is available at a sliding scale cost. This is an all ages workshop, but participants younger than 16 should be accompanied by an adult.

1pm-5pm Hayride
Join us on the front lawn starting at 1pm to hop on a hayride through the park! We will have two trailer hayrides circling throughout the park to witness the magical puppets and performers throughout the park.
1pm-5pm Make-and-Take Mask Activity
Visit the Driscoll Education Center in the Franconia Commons building from 1-5pm to participate in an make-and-take workshop courtesy of In the Heart of the Beast!
5pm Mexica Yolotl Performance
Join us on the back lawn for a magical performance by Mexica Yolotl.

About In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre
Start with Water, flour, newspaper, paint. Add a large measure of IMAGINATION and a dollop of ARTISTRY to make STORIES about our world come ALIVE through PUPPETS. This is in the Heart of the Beast’s nearly 50 year-old puppet recipe.
Since 1973, In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre has helped to create and cultivate the puppetry community in the Twin Cities. We are a world-renowned theater recognized for our large scale puppets and political activism. We have brought some of the most talented puppeteers to Minneapolis while maintaining a strong connection to the local puppet community.
In the HEART of the BEAST (HOBT) is a community of artists working within our larger community to create magic together. We make puppets large and small—monstrous, beautiful, silly, human, plant, animal, you name it. We use gesture, voice, form, and color, giving life to puppets that help tell stories to represent the world as it is and as we dream it could be.

About Mexica Yolotl
ancient dance as well as discipline and empowerment for all communities.

About Hijinks Stilts
Hijinks Stilts is a Twin Cities all female and non-binary stilt and performance troupe. For over 25 years, Hijinks (formerly Chicks on Sticks) has added sparkle and wonder to parades, festivals, and celebrations throughout the Midwest.
For more information, visit hijinks-stilts.com.