Golden Nugget
3’ x 5’ x 4’
Rebar, paint, cable wire + cable clamps
2018 FSP/Jerome Fellow
Artist Statement
Originating from the concept revolving around the Fabric of Society, Golden Nugget seeks to dig and understand the construction of your own fabric—sifting beyond the surface, where the chaos becomes synchronous and true colors are able to shine through.
Where when it doesn’t feel right, that is when we keep listening to intuition, until the whisper becomes an amplified, powerful, boastful and resounding reflection of ourselves.
Where you have struck gold—and have found what makes you, you.
Margarita Arguedas
Born: Minneapolis, MN, USA, 1990
Resides: Minneapolis, MN, USA
BS, Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD), 2017