Cardinal Mark and Forgotten Knowledge
19’ x 8’ x 8’
Steel, wood, stone
2016 Artist Intern
Artist Statement
By and large there is a disconnect between the elements that make up the environments of our daily lives and our understanding of and attention to these elements. The wind is a force that goes unnoticed and unappreciated by many, while awareness of the location of the cardinal directions are even more rare. This is knowledge that once was commonly possessed for what is now considered simple travel over land and sea, yet has been lost with the convenience of modern technologies.
Cardinal Marks and Forgotten Knowledge is a work that intends to connect the audience to the natural environment in a unique manner. With just a subtle puff of breeze the vane gently spins at the top of the piece, in turn driving an arrow near the base that denotes the cardinal direction from which the wind is coming. An understanding of self is based in an understanding of the environment around oneself. Cardinal Marks and Forgotten Knowledge places a sense of location in the hands of the viewer. The piece is evidence of the personal importance of such knowledge; but most importantly a gift of awareness to the visitors of the park and the work.
Cole Meyerhoff
Born: Easton, MD, USA, 1993
Resides: Easton, MD, USA
BA, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, 2016